Unlock Unlimited Earning Potential with the Shoptoit ChatBot Builder Affiliate Program!

Are you ready to boost your income by promoting a high-demand product? Join our affiliate program for our cutting-edge Chatbot Builder and start earning lucrative recurring commissions and a generous passive income.

Create your free Shoptoit Chatbot Builder Affiliate account and start promoting your link today!

Boost Your Revenue as a Chatbot Builder Affiliate

Tier 1


Earn an industry leading 40% commission on every sale, and every monthly renewal, which amounts to $79.60 for each $199 monthly subscription for life.

Tier 2


Earn an unbeatable 10% of every sale made by affiliates you refer to the program. This means that for every business that your Tier 1 referral brings in, you earn a 10% monthly commission.

Ride the Wave

Join the Global Chatbot Revolution

Market projections suggest a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the global chatbot market of between 20% to 30% over the next few years.


The Shoptoit Chatbot Builder Affiliate Program is uniquely positioned to offer exceptional value to affiliates by combining ease of use, broad market accessibility, no usage requirement, lucrative commissions, and competitive pricing.

Lucrative Commissions

Earn substantial commissions on every sale and referral, with the potential for unlimited earnings.

90-Day Cookies

Increased chances of earning commissions on referred sales, even if they take time to convert.

Two-Tier Structure

Benefit not only from your own sales but also from the sales of affiliates you refer, creating a passive income stream.

Transparent Tracking

Track your referrals and earnings in real-time through our user-friendly affiliate dashboard.

High-Demand Product

Our chatbot builder is a sought-after solution in today’s digital landscape, making it easy to market and sell.

Easy to Promote

Access a range of marketing materials and support to help you effectively promote our product.

Massive Audience

Consultants of all kinds can play a role in the adoption of AI chatbots while creating a lucrative recurring profit stream for their business and yours.


Are you an agency, digital consultant, business consultant, or IT consultant looking to expand your revenue streams and offer cutting-edge solutions to your clients? The Shoptoit Affiliate Program is perfect for you! Here’s why:



Whether you specialize in marketing, advertising, or web development, our program offers a valuable addition to your service offerings. Enhance customer value and increase client retention by integrating our AI-powered chatbots into your solutions.

Digital Consultants

Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating our chatbot technology into your digital strategies. Offer your clients a competitive edge with always-on support and valuable user data insights.

Business Consultants

Help your clients improve efficiencies and streamline their operations with our easy-to-use chatbots. Increase client retention by providing innovative solutions that drive business growth.

IT Consultants

Leverage our intuitive dashboard and unlimited bot creation to enhance your IT services. Offer your clients market differentiation and scalable solutions that meet their evolving needs.

Forward-Thinking Entrepreneurs

The Shoptoit Affiliate Program is a simple yet powerful way to generate both active and passive income for those with a visionary mindset.
Expand your product portfolio, increase your revenue, and provide added value to your clients with Chatbot Builder.

Get Started!

Sign Up for a Free Affiliate Account and Start Promoting Your Link Today!

Shoptoit Inc.
Suite 300, 1400-1st Street SW
Calgary AB, T2R 0V8